Bio Ponrepo

Bartolomějská 291/11, Prague 1, PHA, 10000
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  • Category: Cinemas
  • Address: Bartolomějská 291/11, Prague 1, PHA, 10000
  • Accessibility (wheelchair accessibility):
  • building


General informations

  • Accessibility (wheelchair accessibility)
  • - The nearest public transport stop : TRAM - Národní třída, 290 m
  • - The nearest wheelchair accessible public transport stop : TRAM - Národní třída, 290 m
  • - The nearest metro station : B - Národní třída, 350 m
  • - The nearest wheelchair accessible metro station : B - Národní třída, 640 m
  • - Parking in the garage : Yes
  • - Number of parking spaces for wheelchair users in the garage : 1
  • - Parking on street : Yes
  • Wheelchair access to the building : Yes
  • Width of entrance door (cm) : 140
  • Wheelchair accesible entrance to the cash desk : No
  • Ramp : Yes
  • - width of ramp (cm) : 110
  • - length of ramp (cm) : 122
  • Platform : No
  • Stairs : No
  • Accessibility inside the building (wheelchair accessibility)
  • Ramp : No
  • Platform : No
  • Stairs : No
  • Comment to the accessibility
  • Wheelchair user comes to the cinema through the courtyard (width of the first door is 106 cm, second door 140 cm, the third door 90 cm) through the ramp.Parking is available in the courtyard (entrance from Konviktská street), must be arranged in advance.
  • Lift
  • Toilet (from sitting person view)
  • Toilet specially adapted for wheelchair users : Yes
  • Location of toilet : separate
  • - Width of door (cm) : 80
  • - Sliding door : No
  • - Door opens outwards : Yes
  • - Grab rail on the door : Yes
  • - Width of room (cm) : 130
  • - Length of room (cm) : 195
  • - Space to right of toilet bowl (cm) : 77
  • - Space to left of toilet bowl (cm) : 14
  • - Space in front of toilet bowl (cm) : 120
  • Heigth of toilet seat (cm) : 50
  • Number of grab rails by the bowl : 2
  • Grab rail to right of toilet bowl : Yes
  • - Orientation : Horizontal, tip-up
  • - Length (cm) : 73
  • - Heigth from floor (cm) : 79
  • Grab rail to left of toilet bowl : Yes
  • - Orientation : Inclined
  • - Length (cm) : 46
  • - Heigth from floor (cm) : 68
  • Grab rail behind toilet bowl : No
  • Washbasin in room : Yes
  • - Height from floor : 73
  • - Depth : 42
  • - Possibility to drive under : Yes
  • Hall
  • - Hall is dicectly accessible : Yes
  • - Width of door (cm) : 150
  • - Number of seats in the hall total : 117
  • - Number of seats for wheelchair users : 2
  • One place for wheelchair user is by the door, second place is in the the centre of the first row, each 100x100 cm.