Kino Světozor
Vodičkova 41, Prague 1, PHA, 11000building | ||
halls | ||
toilet |
General informations
- Accessibility (wheelchair accessibility)
- - The nearest public transport stop : TRAM - Václavské náměstí, 20 m
- - The nearest wheelchair accessible public transport stop : TRAM - Václavské náměstí, 20 m
- - The nearest metro station : A+B - Můstek, 20 m
- - The nearest wheelchair accessible metro station : A - Muzeum, 600 m, C - Muzeum, 600 m
- - Parking in the garage : No
- - Parking on street : Yes
- Wheelchair access to the building : Yes
- Width of entrance door (cm) : 180
- Wheelchair accesible entrance to the cash desk : Yes
- Ramp : No
- Platform : No
- Stairs : No
- Accessibility inside the building (wheelchair accessibility)
- Wheelchair access in the building : No
- Ramp : No
- Platform : No
- Stairs : Yes
- - Number of steps : 28
- Comment to the accessibility
- The wheelchair accessible entrance. But 28 steps lead to the halls. Stairs can be overcome by using stair-climber. Driver is ordered in the box office.It is recommended to verify the functionality of stair-climbers on tel. number +420 224 946 824.
- Lift
- - Wheelchair accessible lift : No
- Toilet (from sitting person view)
- Toilet specially adapted for wheelchair users : No
- Location of toilet : in the area of women´s toilets
- - Width of door (cm) : 80
- - Sliding door : No
- - Door opens outwards : Yes
- - Grab rail on the door : No
- - Width of room (cm) : 89
- - Length of room (cm) : 100
- - Space to right of toilet bowl (cm) : 26
- - Space to left of toilet bowl (cm) : 26
- - Space in front of toilet bowl (cm) : 36
- Heigth of toilet seat (cm) : 42
- Number of grab rails by the bowl : 0
- Grab rail to right of toilet bowl : No
- Grab rail to left of toilet bowl : No
- Grab rail behind toilet bowl : No
- Washbasin in room : No
- - Height from floor : 89
- - Depth : 42
- - Possibility to drive under : No
- Comment to toilet : There is no toilet especially for wheelchair users in the cinema. Toilets are too small. One step (30 cm high) is in front of the sink.
- Hall
- Name of hall : Velký sál
- - Hall is dicectly accessible : Yes
- - Width of door (cm) : 125
- - Number of seats in the hall total : 356
- - Number of seats for wheelchair users : 6
- Místa pro vozíčkáře jsou před první řadou sedadel. Vejde se 6 vozíků, šířka pro jeden vozík je > 200 cm. Délka místa je > 200 cm.
- Name of hall : Malý sál
- - Hall is dicectly accessible : Yes
- - Width of door (cm) : 144
- - Number of seats in the hall total : 54
- - Number of seats for wheelchair users : 4
- Spaces for wheelchair users are in front of the first row. Six wheelchairs fit there. The width for one wheelchair is 86 cm. Length of the place is > 200 cm, but 117 cm is necessary to feel comfortable.