Národní technické muzeum
Kostelní 1320/42, Prague 7, PHA, 17078building | ||
halls | ||
toilet |
General informations
- Accessibility (wheelchair accessibility)
- - The nearest public transport stop : TRAM - Letenské náměstí (D), 550 m
- - The nearest wheelchair accessible public transport stop : TRAM - Letenské náměstí (D), 550 m
- - The nearest metro station : C - Vltavská, 1.050 m
- - The nearest wheelchair accessible metro station : B - Nádraží Holešovice, 2.100 m
- - Parking in the garage : No
- - Parking on street : Yes
- - Number of parking spaces for wheelchair users on street : 3
- Wheelchair access to the building : Yes
- Width of entrance door (cm) : 72
- Wheelchair accesible entrance to the cash desk : Yes
- Ramp : Yes
- - width of ramp (cm) : 200
- - height of ramp (cm) : 190
- - length of ramp (cm) : 2850
- - slope of ramp (%) : 7
- Platform : No
- Stairs : No
- Accessibility inside the building (wheelchair accessibility)
- Ramp : No
- Platform : No
- Stairs : No
- Comment to the accessibility
- The museum has a guarded parking with tollgate, where there is also space for wheelchairs.The ramp leads to the basement. From the basement go 2 lifts. The bell is at a height of 103 cm.To access the exposure it is necessary to use the lift (with the exception of exposure in the basement). The museum has six permanent exhibitions. All exposures (excluding Transportation) are accessible by lift and are fully accessible to wheelchair users. Transportation exposure is partially accessible via platforms!
- Lift
- - Wheelchair accessible lift : Yes
- - Width of space outside lift (cm) : >200
- - Width of lift door (cm) : 78
- - Width of lift (cm) : 116
- - Depth of lift (cm) : 100
- The second lift is 110 cm wide, 110 cm deep.
- Toilet (from sitting person view)
- Toilet specially adapted for wheelchair users : Yes
- Location of toilet : separate
- - Width of door (cm) : 77
- - Sliding door : No
- - Door opens outwards : Yes
- - Grab rail on the door : No
- - Width of room (cm) : 172
- - Length of room (cm) : 173
- - Space to right of toilet bowl (cm) : 109
- - Space to left of toilet bowl (cm) : 28
- - Space in front of toilet bowl (cm) : 20
- Heigth of toilet seat (cm) : 50
- Number of grab rails by the bowl : 2
- Grab rail to right of toilet bowl : Yes
- - Orientation : Horizontal, tip-up
- - Length (cm) : 83
- - Heigth from floor (cm) : 78
- Grab rail to left of toilet bowl : Yes
- - Orientation : Horizontal, fixed
- - Length (cm) : 83
- - Heigth from floor (cm) : 78
- Grab rail behind toilet bowl : No
- Washbasin in room : Yes
- - Height from floor : 85
- - Depth : 53
- - Possibility to drive under : Yes
- Comment to toilet : In front of toilet bowl is a sink at a distance of 20 cm. Toilet is on the ground floor.
- Second toilet (from sitting person view)
- Toilet specially adapted for wheelchair users : Yes
- Location of toilet : separate
- - Width of door (cm) : 80
- - Sliding door : No
- - Door opens outwards : Yes
- - Grab rail on the door : No
- - Width of room (cm) : 200
- - Length of room (cm) : 166
- - Space to right of toilet bowl (cm) : 30
- - Space to left of toilet bowl (cm) : 99
- - Space in front of toilet bowl (cm) : 48
- Heigth of toilet seat (cm) : 50
- Number of grab rails by the bowl : 2
- Grab rail to right of toilet bowl : Yes
- - Orientation : Horizontal, fixed
- - Length (cm) : 83
- - Heigth from floor (cm) : 80
- Grab rail to left of toilet bowl : Yes
- - Orientation : Horizontal, tip-up
- - Length (cm) : 83
- - Heigth from floor (cm) : 80
- Grab rail behind toilet bowl : No
- Washbasin in room : Yes
- - Height from floor : 84
- - Depth : 53
- - Possibility to drive under : Yes
- Comment to toilet : In front of toilet bowl is a sink at a distance of 48 cm. Toilet is on the 1st floor.
- Third toilet (from sitting person view)
- Toilet specially adapted for wheelchair users : Yes
- Location of toilet : separate
- - Width of door (cm) : 80
- - Sliding door : No
- - Door opens outwards : Yes
- - Grab rail on the door : No
- - Width of room (cm) : 200
- - Length of room (cm) : 166
- - Space to right of toilet bowl (cm) : 30
- - Space to left of toilet bowl (cm) : 99
- - Space in front of toilet bowl (cm) : 48
- Heigth of toilet seat (cm) : 50
- Number of grab rails by the bowl : 2
- Grab rail to right of toilet bowl : Yes
- - Orientation : Horizontal, fixed
- - Length (cm) : 83
- - Heigth from floor (cm) : 80
- Grab rail to left of toilet bowl : Yes
- - Orientation : Horizontal, tip-up
- - Length (cm) : 83
- - Heigth from floor (cm) : 80
- Grab rail behind toilet bowl : No
- Washbasin in room : Yes
- - Height from floor : 84
- - Depth : 53
- - Possibility to drive under : Yes
- Comment to toilet : In front of toilet bowl is a sink at a distance of 48 cm. Toilet is on the 2nd floor.
- Hall
- Name of hall : Doprava
- - Hall is dicectly accessible : No
- - Hall is accessible only by the lift : Yes
- - Hall is accessible only by the platform : Yes
- Exposure of Transport is located in the
- Name of hall : Architektura, stavitelství a design
- - Hall is dicectly accessible : No
- - Hall is accessible only by the lift : Yes
- - Hall is accessible only by the ramp : Yes
- Name of hall : Astronomie
- - Hall is dicectly accessible : No
- - Hall is accessible only by the lift : Yes
- Name of hall : Fotografický ateliér
- - Hall is dicectly accessible : No
- - Hall is accessible only by the lift : Yes
- - Hall is accessible only by the ramp : Yes
- Name of hall : Tiskařství
- - Hall is dicectly accessible : No
- - Hall is accessible only by the lift : Yes
- Name of hall : Technika v domácnosti
- - Hall is dicectly accessible : No
- - Hall is accessible only by the lift : Yes